Penard Labs

Penard Labs

●●● Leptomyxidae

Pussard and Pons 1976 sensu Smirnov et al. 2017

Naked amoebae with locomotive form altering from a flattened expanded or reticulate one to a subcylindrical monopodial one when in rapid movement or under specific conditions; able to form an adhesive uroidal structure, no differentiated glycocalyx.

Simple life cycle, cyst —> trophozoite —> cyst. Sex or fuiting bodies are not know in this group. Found in freshwater, seawater and soil.

  •  Leptomyxid amoeba

    Leptomyxid amoeba

  •  Leptomyxid amoeba

    Leptomyxid amoeba

Leptomxid amoeba are comon but easily overloooked as they ususally hide under detritus. Although it is normally not difficult to identify an aboeba as a Leptomyxid, it is most often impossible to determine the genus or species at the morphological level.

●●●● Leptomyxa

Goodey 1915 sensu Smirnov et al. 2017

Amoebae of various shape, from limax-like to branched, expanded, reticulate plasmodia-like organisms. Low-mobile or non-mobile cells can adopt expanded, comet-like shape. Various numbers of nuclei – from one to several thousands.

●●●● Flabellula

Schaeffer 1926 sensu Smirnov et al. 2017

Amoebae in locomotion flattened, flabellate, with prominent anterior hyaloplasm irregularly triangular or fan-shaped. Limax form adopted only under unfavourable conditions. Uninucleate or possessing few nuclei.

●●●● Rhizamoeba

Page 1972 sensu Smirnov et al. 2017

Amoebae altering locomotive morphology from limax-like to flabellate, fan-shaped and possessing collosomes in a single studied species. Uninucleate or possessing limited number (less than 50) nuclei. Cells never adopt expanded, comet-like shapes.

●●●● Gephyramoeba

Goodey 1915 sensu Smirnov et al. 2017